As I’ve said before, I think this is silly. All ships can
and should coexist peacefully.
But I get why this happens. People get very emotionally
invested in ideas—and especially in ships. And when you’re invested in a
non-canonical ship, odds are that people in real life have probably looked at
you like you were crazy when you mentioned it. And it’s hard to stand up for
yourself in a real life situation, when your parents, friends, or classmates
are staring at you like you’re insane because you see the homosexual subtext in
So you transfer all that pent up frustration with your real
life friends to the internet, and suddenly you’re lambasting everyone who
thinks that maybe Dean and Castiel aren’t meant to be together.
Look, we’ve all been there. I know I’ve been emotionally
invested in ships. I grew up in the Harry Potter era, and let me tell you,
Luna/Harry was never the most popular ship. Most people fell in the Harry/Hermione
and Harry/Ginny camps.
But shipping wars—aka huge, hate filled arguments about
which ships are more valid—are not the answer. And to avoid them, I abide by a
few simple rules when dealing with online (and real life) discussions about
1. NEVER use the word
“canon” like it’s the ultimate end to any discussion. I guarantee the
shipper you are arguing with knows what is and is not canon. But the joy of
shipping is the joy of thinking beyond canon, thinking beyond the page—even if
it is in support of a canonical ship. Ultimately shipping is about critical
thinking. So if you want to argue in support of your canon ship, you need a
better excuse than “it’s canon.” I want to hear: “Hermione & Ron make sense
together because of these reasons.” Think about why you support a ship.
Don’t just support it because an author told you to. Support it because it
makes sense!
Look, you don’t have to agree with me that Sirius and Lupin were totally an
item back in their Hogwarts days. That’s fine. But remember this is a
theoretical discussion where most of the fun is pulling apart clues from the
text and psychoanalyzing characters. We may not agree, but it’s still fun to
see what the other person’s rationale and reasons are. You might learn
something about one of your favorite characters from it. But the key here is:
don’t start yelling as soon as you hear “Sirius/Lupin” cross my lips. Listen
first. Then prepare your counterarguments or questions. Or maybe just say
“Yeah, in that context, that makes sense” and then explain to me why you think
Sirius/Snape makes more sense.
4. Sexual
orientation is always malleable. Remember this is an
exercise BEYOND canon, and remember that we live in a world that has very few
gay and lesbian characters. Also, very rarely is a character’s actual sexual
orientation called out. Yes, Clint Barton had a relationship with Natasha
Romanoff and Bobbi Morse in the past, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t bisexual.
Yes, Harry dated Cho Chang, but he wouldn’t be the first teen to discover he
was gay at a later date. And you know what—I don’t remember Draco explicitly
dating anyone. Which isn’t to say that your straight ships aren’t equally
valid. Just accept that you can ship someone who might seem canonically
straight as anywhere on the QUILTBAG spectrum. And vice versa. You want to ship
Dumbledore/McGonagall? Go ahead, my friend. Ship to your heart’s content.***
5. Remember it’s
supposed to be FUN. Any time we’re discussing a theoretical geeky topic,
it’s because IT’S FUN. If you find yourself getting angry or upset, you’re
doing it wrong. So step away from the computer and take a deep breath.
6. Ships ARE NOT mutually
exclusive. This is the big one, and the part that most fans get hung up on.
For some reason, people think that my believing in Clint/Coulson impinges on
their right to believe in Clint/Natasha. This is simply not true. All ships can
and should coexist in peace. I can simultaneously ship Clint/Coulson,
Coulson/the Cellist, and Clint/Natasha. AND THAT’S OKAY. It’s not mutually
exclusive. Heck, the Avengers exist in different forms in like five canonical
universes. Make up your own separate universes in your head. IT’S OK. And just
accept that someone else’s ship exists in their universe. Remember rule #5.
It’s about fun. Not about who has the canon-ground or who has the best psychological
profiles to match two people up. IT’S ABOUT FUN.
This is always a good rule to abide be when dealing with the internet. If
someone is attacking your ship from an angry place, just don’t respond. No one
is making you interact with anyone here. And in real life, just remind them of
rule #5 and then walk away from the conversation.
And that’s it! My seven rules on avoiding a shipping war. If you have any additional rules or thoughts, please share them in the comments!
*”Subtext?” you cry. “That’s not subtext. THAT’S TEXT.” And
I agree. But not everyone sees it, and you know what? That's okay.
**You still don’t get it? You must not watch Supernatural,
so brief explanation—Crowley is a demon and the King of Hell. Look, it’s funny.
Just trust me.
***Though remember that things can get sticky in this sort
of situation. People might accuse you of straightening a character because
you’re homophobic. In these cases, just remind them
POLITELY that you are shipping based on chemistry and remember the other rules
of shipping.
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