Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blogging Fail

I know...I know...I have seriously neglected this blog. *sigh* My excuse? Well I'm going to use the old "I've been traveling a ton" excuse because it's true. Over the course of the past three months I've traveled to Maryland, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Texas, Michigan, New York, and Massachusetts. Later this month I go to Colorado and then my last trip for a long time should be at the end of this month and it's to Hawaii. You would think I would be excited about going to Hawaii, but...really...it's just sort of annoying. I'm not going to have a chance to enjoy the place. I'm going to fly in. Go to a hotel and crash. Go to what will probably be a twelve hour meeting. Go back to the hotel and crash. And then fly out the next day. *Bleh*

And it turns out while I've been not blogging, blogger has completely changed it's interface. Now I've got to get used to this all over again.

I fully intend to start blogging regularly again now that things have settled down. I've gotten a new puppy and I'm eager to share my adventures in puppy training with all of you. 

In the meantime, I've started an official book review blog. It shouldn't detract from this blog at all, because I'm only posting there once a week on Tuesdays. And I haven't even done that in a while. (Will be back on track with that next week). So go check it out here. I've reviewed several books so far, some of them fairly new releases and some of them really old. If you like Science Fiction and Fantasy books I highly recommend it.

Anyway, blogging will start coming back to normal soon. I promise. Look forward to a new post on Thursday.

Also in the meantime, please enjoy this video, which makes me happy every time I watch it:

Note: I'm not condoning going out and getting sloshed, which the lyrics might actually be condoning. But I am condoning Star Wars. :)

Thanks for being patient with me guys!!!

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